Saturday 20 February 2016

I am Rhita Mae

This week our Instructor gave us a task that we must do a Play and Pause video featuring or introducing ourselves, i am excited for this activity because i always saw these kind of videos in my social media accounts and it get me curious about on how do i do it.

The aim of this activity is for maximize or explore what are the capabilities of our smartphone have because nowadays teenagers or adult use it often.

I started downloading numerous video editor however i ended up using vivavideo it is useful application if youre going to
 edit and design or make a awesome videoslide.    

After preparing my smartphone by downloading a dope application i start cutting clippings as my tool throughout my video. The hardest part of making a play pause video is so much paper cuts everywhere and it is kinda messy.

Im using mono-pad as my companion in my video however when i was started capturing photos UNFORTUNATELY my iphone spread its wings and fly its way down (in the hard floor) that is why my iphone is shattered in pieces (kidding) only at the back.          

However despite worrying about the shattered iphone, the show must go on so i continue making my video. 
Ps. Every mistake is a lesson that is why my iphone now have a cover, hiding the shattering part of it.

Doing the video is so much fun for me even though its kinda make you put so much effort but then the output or the finish product is so much worth it. 30 seconds to 2 mins is the time duration given us by our instructor but mine is only 39 SECONDS ( i am the shortest video in our class). Now lets see my video, i am proud of this :).

Thank you for reading ! till next time :)

Friday 15 January 2016

My Gafe Experience

Google Apps for Education (GAFE)

What is GAFE?

Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is an application Google offers for free. It includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, and Sites. These applications are existing online. It can be accessed in any device connected to internet connection. If the school decided to utilize GAFE, they will be able to register their school web address, and accommodate all teachers' and students' accounts from a manageable dashboard.

The Creator of the 30 day Chrome Challenge is Bob Petitto. He created this 30 day challenge mostly for teacher but then this challenge is open for everybody if want to do it just Click Here.

When you open the link above this is the first thing you will see.

First thing first, you must sign in on your browser and then follow the instruction given by bob such as make a copy file of the spreadsheet and complete the 1 task per day and so on. By clicking the tasks it will give you a hint to accomplish the task. I always chrome in my daily life and then i am the person that always eager to know or explore so the first 24 tasks is an easy item for me . However the 25th and 26th task is new to me.

 Having the chrome become your stopwatch is so amazing i didn't know that it could be use like this JUST WOW !


The 27th to the last task is so easy and i am familiar in doing it. Upon Completing the 30 task you will gonna receive a Certificate and i received mine.

This is the layout of the Certificate !

You can save it as PDF file if you want to print it :)

Thank you for reading my blog!
Special thanks to Bob for letting everyone to explore and experience this challenge :)


Friday 8 January 2016

My Powtoon Experience

At first Powerpoint is the only tool i used in creating a presentation but lately i have been introduced to Prezi. Prezi gives more exciting and new templates that a person wanted to see. However, Prezi have some limitations i mean the effects or effect is only fade away nothing more nothing less and  then i found a new application that can also used in making a presentation called PowToon.

PowToon is Web-based animation software that allows you to quickly and easily create animated presentations with your students by manipulating pre-created objects, imported images, provided music and user created voice-overs. PowToon is used by businesses to create engaging, creative presentations that capture attention, and can be similarly used for educational assessment and content delivery. There is a free version available, as well as paid subscription that allows for more features.   

When i was introduced to this application i felt excited because its new to me. 
When i started creating my presentation in PowToon its kinda easy because there is a tutorial on how you will make the character enter at this time. I got a 2 day premium trial which means that i am allowed to used the templates or i am capable of using the premium power in powtoon. The only thing i dont like while im making the presentation is that my laptop is running slow so the whole time im patiently waiting for powtoon and the i succeed. i asked my friends if their laptop running slow while using powtoon the other one said yes while my other friend is perfectly doing fine using powtoons.

Here's some snapshot of how i created my presentation :

I find my powtoon time Enjoyable and Knowledgeable. I have the opportunity to experience this. The animation and the visuals of powtoon will help me as a future educator to educate my future students. i will use powtoon for exploring the capabilities or the imagination what they have and i know that they may find powtoon an interesting tool to play.

My presentation using PowToon :

Thank you for reading my blog :)

Sunday 6 December 2015

The Personal Computer (PC) as ICT

    Until the nineties, it was still possible to distinguish between instructional media and the educational communication media.

    Instructional media consist of audio-visual aids that served to enhanced and enrich the teaching-learning process. Examples are the blackboard, photo, film and video.

          On the other hand, educational communication media comprise the media of communication to audiences including learners using the print, film, radio, and television or satellite means of communication. For example, the distance learning was implemented using correspondence, radio, television, or the computer satellite system.

          Close to the turn of the 21st century, however, such a distinction merged owing to the advent of the microprocessor, also known as the personal computer (PC). This is due to the fact that the PC user at home, office and school has before him/her a tool for both audio-visual creations and media communication.

          To illustrate, let’s examine the programs (capabilities) normally installed in an ordinary modern PC.
  •  Microsoft Office – program for composing text, graphics, photos in letters, articles, reports, etc.
  • Power-point – for preparing lecture presentations.
  • Excel – for spreadsheets and similar graphic sheets.
  • Internet Explorer – Access to the internet.
  • Yahoo or Google – Website, email, chat rooms, Blog sites, news service (print/video) educational softwares etc.
  • Adobe Reader – Graphs/photo composition and editing.
  • MSN – Mail/chat messaging.
  • Windows media player – CD, VCD player and editing film/video.
  • Cyberlink Power – DVD player.
  • Gamehouse – Video games.
Watch these following videos :)

                                The Role of ICT in Education 

                                          Why do we need ICT in Education?

For more information that related about the topic just click the links below:

Paz I. Lucido, Ph.D. (4 August 2004), Educational Technology 2: Lesson 9 Computer as Information and Communication Technoloy, LORIMAR Publishing Inc.